
Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Knitting Abbreviations

When I started knitting I was so daunted by all the symbols and abbreviations, in fact they are not so hard when you discover what they mean, so here's a list to help anybody who feels they are reading a foreign language!!

alt alternate
beg begin/beginning
bet between
BO bind off
CA color A
CB color B
CC contrasting color
cm centimeters
cn cable needle
CO cast on
cont continue
dec decrease/decreases/decreasing
dpn double-pointed needle(s)
fl front loop(s)
foll follows/following
g gram
inc increase
K knit
k2tog knit two together
K2tog tbl (knit 2 together through back loop)
kwise knitwise
LH left hand
lp(s) loop(s)
m meters
M1 make one stitch
M1 p-st make one purl stitch
MC main color
mm millimeters
oz ounce
P (or p) purl
pat(s) or patt pattern(s)
pm place marker
pop popcorn bobble
p2tog purl two together
prev previous
psso pass slipped stitch over
pwise purlwise
rem remain/remaining
rev St st reverse stockinette stitch
RH right hand
rnd(s) round(s)
)rep repeat(s
sk skip
skp slip, knit, pass slipped stitch over
sl slip
sl1k slip one knitwise
sl1p slip one purlwise
sl st slip stitch(es)
ss slip stitch (in Canadian patterns)
ssk slip, slip, knit those two stitches together
sssk slip, slip, slip, knit three slipped stitches together
sk2p slip one stitch, knit two together, pass slipped stitch over
st(s) stitch(es)
St st stockinette stitch
tbl through back loop
tog together
WS wrong side
wyib with yarn in back
wyif with yarn in front
yds yards
yfwd yarn forward (yarn over)
yo yarn over
yrn yarn around needle (yarn over)
yon yarn over needle (yarn over)
yo yarn over
[ ] work instructions in brackets as many times as directed
( ) work instructions in parenthesis as directed (also used to indicate size changes)
** repeat instructions after asterisks as directed
* repeat pattern following asterisk as directed

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